Class of 2020 List Detail

Congratulations, Sofia!

Sofia Mireles


Faculty Tribute

Dear Sofia, it has been a pleasure to watch you grow. I remember you in freshman year, squeezed into Strub 301, as a reliable, hard-working, dedicated student. And you have remained these things, but refined your skills and talents over these four years. You are among those who still say hello to me in the hallways, and I'm always so very pleased to greet you, my now long-ago freshman student. I am so happy to see the confident, talented, many-sided young woman you have become. May you ever flourish and always find joy in your life.
— Sr. Pegeen Connolly, history teacher

Little Sister Shout-Out

Sofia was one of the first seniors that I met. Even though we didn’t talk much, the brief heys that we said in the hallways made me feel welcomed. I remember when the JV tennis coach took us to one of the Varsity games, I saw Sofia play. Her serves and groundstrokes were so powerful that it inspired me to get better so I could play Varsity. Thanks for two great years. Wish you the best in college.
— Sofie L. '22
Established in 1931, Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena, CA is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young women grades 9-12. Noted for its rigorous academic program, which includes 28 Advanced Placement and Honors courses, Mayfield’s curriculum is underscored by a philosophy of educating the “whole child,” which also encourages commitment to and excellence in the arts, athletics, community service and spiritual growth. The nurturing environment at Mayfield Senior School allows each student to flourish in an atmosphere of personal attention.