Cornelia Connelly’s 209th birthday was this month. Her message is very 2018.

If Cornelia Connelly were here today, what would she say to us? What would this decisive, determined and visionary woman, the foundress of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, teach us today?
When the Mayfield student body gathered this month for Mass to honor Cornelia's 209th birthday, Msgr. Clement Connolly, Spiritual Director of Holy Family Church in South Pasadena and longtime friend of Mayfield, offered a reflection on her life and philosophy that inspires to us today.

“Look at one another and celebrate God’s presence in each person,” Msgr. Connolly said of the essence of Cornelia’s philosophy. “See the gift in each person, not the conflict.”

At the heart of a Mayfield education lies Catholic, Holy Child values that inspire students and call on educators to be joyful women of faith, empowered with a strong sense of self and respect for the dignity others—virtues that are particularly needed in society today.

Cornelia, who was born in Philadelphia in 1809, was one of the few American women to establish a religious order. A wife and mother to five children, she dedicated her life to God and the Church. Despite great sadness, tragedy and disappointments in her personal life and the patriarchal dictates of society and the Church, she determinedly founded an order of Roman Catholic Sisters in England who devoted themselves to educating girls.

In an era when when most girls were not formally educated, Cornelia created a curriculum that was ahead of its time and included art, music, drama, and logic. When her unconventional education methods were criticized by Church hierarchy, she diplomatically persevered.

“Even though she lived in a very dysfunctional Church, she didn’t leave the Church—and we are here celebrating her life because she didn’t leave the Church,” which at the time had little regard for the dignity, vision and leadership of women, Msgr. Connolly said. “We are here today because of her sacrifice. We are here because she was a decisive, determined women with a vision.”

He asked our students to envision the Church 170 years from now, about the same amount of time that has passed since Cornelia’s adult life in the 1800s.

“Can you imagine what people might look back and say: ‘For heaven’s sake, what was the Church doing in 2018?’ ” he said. “ ‘What was the church doing to people in second marriages? What was the Church doing to gay people or people who are transgender? What was the Church doing to outsiders who were looking for a home? What kind of a culture did we have that excluded people in a very decisive and arbitrary way?’ ”

He asked students to remember that they are the ones who will now be “defining the moment... You are the leaders of tomorrow,” who are called to lift awareness and decide how to contribute to the Church.

Cornelia, he said, saw the possibilities, the hope, dreams and yearnings in those she touched. Her legacy lies in her ability to see the gift of God and the uniqueness in each person, while making great sacrifices in her life.

“In our own way, our mission must include making sacrifices for others...not getting everything we want for ourselves, putting other people first,” he said. “If we insist on being prophets with this teaching, we will change not only our school, our families, we will change our communities. We might even change our country, or a small portion of the world.

“That’s our mission and I think that’s what Cornelia would be saying to us today.”

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    • Msgr. Clem Connolly Homily

Established in 1931, Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena, CA is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young women grades 9-12. Noted for its rigorous academic program, which includes 28 Advanced Placement and Honors courses, Mayfield’s curriculum is underscored by a philosophy of educating the “whole child,” which also encourages commitment to and excellence in the arts, athletics, community service and spiritual growth. The nurturing environment at Mayfield Senior School allows each student to flourish in an atmosphere of personal attention.