Technical Theatre students set-up, light, strike... repeat

When performing arts projects peak at Mayfield during the second semester, Pike Auditorium is literally a revolving stage of dance, theatre and music. Students of the Technical Theatre Conservatory are the behind-the-scenes magicians who make it happen.
Days can run long while creating unique staging under the direction of Technical Theatre Conservatory Director Phillip Velasco. But Tech Theatre students are at the ready with tape, gels and tools.

“We have tech rehearsals where we run through with the actors. We then fix things and we build stuff if we need it,” said Eliana Miskey ’18. "It basically means we are here until 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. every day.”

Even when there isn’t a set to build, lighting design taps into the creative side of technical theatre.

“I was taught when you are listening to the song to close your eyes and see what colors and emotions you feel to help design your lighting show," said Christine Diaz ’18. “Upbeat, we use warmer tones, and for slower songs we use cooler colors.”

Close to curtain time, teamwork is a factor as each crewmember steps in and does her part.

“It’s stressful. Not gonna lie,” said Christine. “We are all pretty tight-knit and it makes it more fun and it sometimes doesn’t feel like work, which I think is really important.”

View the time lapse video of the set strike from “Steel Magnolias” to see our technicians in (super fast!) action.
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    • Theatre Tech Conservatory strikes the STEEL MAGNOLIAS set

Established in 1931, Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena, CA is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young women grades 9-12. Noted for its rigorous academic program, which includes 28 Advanced Placement and Honors courses, Mayfield’s curriculum is underscored by a philosophy of educating the “whole child,” which also encourages commitment to and excellence in the arts, athletics, community service and spiritual growth. The nurturing environment at Mayfield Senior School allows each student to flourish in an atmosphere of personal attention.