Just Mercy

by Bryan Stevenson
“What struck me most is that in the midst of racism, injustice, sometimes even crippling helplessness and hopelessness in the face of institutional abuse of power, there is mercy to be found, and the persistent struggle to find truth and work for justice. ‘The power of just mercy is that it belongs to the undeserving... We all need mercy, we all need justice, and — perhaps — we all need some measure of unmerited grace.’ We cannot let evil triumph, love must be the last word ... and justice walks alongside love.” — Teri Gonzales, Director of Campus Ministry
Established in 1931, Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena, CA is a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young women grades 9-12. Noted for its rigorous academic program, which includes 28 Advanced Placement and Honors courses, Mayfield’s curriculum is underscored by a philosophy of educating the “whole child,” which also encourages commitment to and excellence in the arts, athletics, community service and spiritual growth. The nurturing environment at Mayfield Senior School allows each student to flourish in an atmosphere of personal attention.