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Message from the Parents Board President

Dear Parents & Guardians,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! On behalf of the Mayfield Parents Board we extend a warm welcome to our new head of school, Laura Farrell. It is a blessing that our community continues to grow and we are thrilled to see both new and familiar faces!

The Mayfield Senior School Parents Board is a volunteer association of which all current parents and guardians of students attending Mayfield Senior School are members. Our purpose is to:

  • Support the spiritual, educational, social, and financial programs of the school
  • Support the Board of Trustees, the administration and faculty in their efforts to promote the mission of the School and the Holy Child Networks of Schools
  • Raise funds to support the school through sponsoring events, programs, and projects
  • Promote parental involvement at the school
  • Build relationships among students, parents, administration, faculty and staff at the school to promote cooperation between parents and the school and to serve as a source of communication between parents and the school

We invite you to join our meetings held every first Thursday of the month, at 8:15 a.m., in the Conference Room of Strub Hall. Additionally, the Parents Board sponsors a variety of special events and programs throughout the year.

There are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved, Please feel free to reach out. I look forward to meeting you.


Elsie Trujillo
(Elsie ‘19, Mariana ‘21, Eva ‘25)
Parents Board President

Support & Volunteer Opportunities